Publikationen und Konferenzen
Wieczorek, R., Huber, W., Darkow, R. 2011. Tense/Aspect category in fluent and non- fluent German aphasia : an experimental training on verbs. Aphasiology, iFirst, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2010.534802
Wieczorek, R. 2010. Using MLU to study early language development in English. Psychology of Language and Communication, Vol. 14, No.2, DOI: 10.2478/v10057-010-0010-9
Wieczorek, R., Huber, W., Darkow, R. 2010. Tense/Aspect Category in Fluent and Non Fluent Polish and German Aphasia (48th Academy of Aphasia). Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.6, pp. 47-48.
Huber, W., Wieczorek, R. Neurorehabilitation in Aphasia (Workshops). 16.-17.10.2010, Medical Academy of Wrocław, Poland
Wieczorek, R., Huber, W., Darkow, R. Tense/Aspect Category in fluent and non-fluent German aphasia (talk). „Science of Aphasia X“, 29.09-02.10.2009, Antalya
Wieczorek, R., Huber, W., Darkow, R. Tense / Aspect Category in Polish and German fluent and non-fluent aphasia – a contrastive study (talk). 40th Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM), 02.-05.09.2009, Gniezno
Wieczorek, R., Huber, W., Darkow, R. Tense / Aspect Category in Polish and German fluent and non-fluent aphasia – a contrastive study (poster). Workshop klinische Linguistik. 14.-16.05.2009, Meerbusch
Wieczorek, R., Huber, W., Darkow, R. Tense/Aspect Category in fluent and non-fluent German aphasia (talk). “Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznan,” 24-26.04.2009, Poznań, Poland
Wieczorek, R., Huber, W., Darkow, R. Tempus und Aspekt bei flüssiger und nicht flüssiger Aphasie (poster). 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und -behandlung (GAB), 06.-08.11. 2008, Nürnberg